Lexi Castillo – NASM Personal Trainer

Personal Trainer – My own personal fitness journey began after I graduated high school in 2017. I got a job at a local gym working front desk & my passion quickly grew as I watched members transform their bodies and grow in their confidence, as well as witness their positive energy as they worked towards the physiques they envisioned for themselves. I played sports all throughout high school including soccer, volleyball, and basketball; and felt as though I didn’t know which route to take in order to move forward with my fitness journey. I eventually pursued a degree that I was constantly intrigued by and matched with my long-term goal of working as a physician’s assistant in aesthetics. After five years, I graduated with a Bachelor’s in Kinesiology with an emphasis in Exercise Science as well as a minor in Biology.

I have always had a love for sports, athletic training, and conditioning, which I applied over time towards learning about muscle hypertrophy and growth with the correct programming to achieve results and transform one’s body composition. Over the last six years, I have had the opportunity to teach myself the proper exercise mechanics and techniques to build muscle efficiently, while maintaining the leaner physique I strived for, mixed with the overall proper nutrition to fuel my body. Soon after growing such a passion for this field, I received my NASM certification and began growing my business! I have gained a great amount of knowledge throughout the years, experienced many trials and errors with my own body, and have endlessly gained more comprehension about nutrition and exercise which I apply to my lifestyle daily as I actively compete in bikini competitions, as well.

As someone who has mastered the principles of a healthy lifestyle and still takes every day as a learning lesson, I dedicate my business to enhancing the lifestyles of my amazing clients as I strive to aid them in achieving their full potential physically and mentally. I highly prioritize a strong mindset, ensuring that my clients transform in all aspects, including self-belief, feeling comfortable with the changes they will make but not feeling limited, and overall becoming their own biggest fans so they are genuinely excited to transform their lives and spread this positivity within our family. My career drives me daily which is why I don’t see my business as a job, I am always enthusiastic about new girls joining our groups, taking the steps towards improving their lives from the inside out, and in the end, trusting me to be there every step of the way along their fitness journeys!

Norelle Dry – Body Recomposition, Strength and Conditioning Coach

Norelle Dry – Body Recomposition, Strength and Conditioning Coach

Hey there! I’m Norelle, an ISSA Certified Personal Trainer and Nutritionist. I grew up playing sports including gymnastics, cheerleading, dancing, soccer, and swimming, but truly found a love for fitness during my third year of university after escaping an abusive relationship. I struggled with my weight and mental health for years and with the help of strength training, body building, and different forms of therapy, I was able to learn tools to slowly fight my insecurities and depression. In 2016, the gym became my solace, my safe space. I was able to find myself, my confidence, and become stronger mentally and physically after reaching what felt like rock bottom.
After graduating college, I decided to join the military as a Navy Hospital Corpsman, which in itself was a journey and learning experience on its own. There, I learned a lot about the human body and how it works among other medical curriculum. At my first unit became the assistant command fitness leader where I helped my peers maintain physical readiness as well as helped others get back on track when not meeting military fitness standards. After having knee surgery and going through physical therapy in 2020, I decided to learn more about being a personal trainer and in 2021, I got certified. I realized just how important movement and physical health was to me and those around me so I felt inspired to help others on their own journey, whether it be someone just starting out or someone needing a push to the next level. Fast forward, I’ve been certified for almost 3 years and counting and have helped clients of all ages with different struggles and have helped them find their own strategies to improve their lifestyles, their outlook on fitness and health and achieve results.

I became a fitness coach because I seen this as my opportunity to help those who may similarly struggle with fitness and body image. My goal is to help transform your lifestyle and become stronger and more confident in your body by improving your relationship with movement, food, and your mind. Provided will be your very own personalized program and nutritional guidance tailored to your goals as well as mindset coaching to help keep you on track despite any obstacles throughout your journey.
Everyone can’t do everything alone all the time. There are times we need a cheerleader in our corner, rooting us on.
Between body building and my time in the military, I learned that the strongest muscle is the mind and that anyone can do anything they put their minds to (maybe we just need someone there to reaffirm that the hard work we do is going to be worth it).
If you’re ready to invest in yourself; mind and body. Let’s embark on this journey together to unleash your inner beastmode and start living the life you want and deserve!

“All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.” — Walt Disney.

NESTA Personal Trainer in San Diego, CA

NESTA Certified Trainer

Why did I become a personal trainer?

Let me tell you a bit about myself first so that you can get to know ME first.

My name is Sarah Vandekar and I am orignally from NY but just recently moved to sunny San Diego to get away from the below freezing weather. When I am not training, you could find me at concerts, playing drums, skateboarding or anything else fun and adventurous.

Growing up , I was around close family members who struggled with eating disorders and soon found myself falling into the same path. Weighing myself everyday, barely eating, NOT going to the gym, and unhealthy choices led me to get down to 100 pounds by the time I was in my early 20’s.

The day that I decided to change my life and start a new healthy lifestyle was the best day of my life because not only did it change MY life, it also opened up a door for me to help other people. I became a personal trainer after I saw the change in myself both physically and mentally and I vowed that I would do that for other people. Fast foward a few years and I am living my dream of helping other people get healthy and to see their worth. I love my clients and would do anything to help them succeed in their goals.

Tony Palladino – Functional Strength Coach

Functional Strength Coach –

HI ALL! My name is Tony Palladino and I’m a Functional Strength Coach based in San Diego, CA.

Let me be the first to say BRAVO for taking the NEXT STEP in your fitness journey! This sh*t can be daunting and everyone needs help getting on the right track.

That’s where I like to step in…

Whether you are brand new to fitness or ready to take your training to the next level, then my FUNCTIONAL AF Program is ready to deliver.

I’ve spent A LOT of hours (10,000+) in the gym learning, practicing and applying various techniques and protocols to see what works and what doesn’t for my clients.

What I noticed initially was that a lot of my clients came to me missing something that they once had:
The bikini body from their 20’s.
The pliable joints that were never in pain.
The athletic power frame from their varsity days.
The high metabolism that would melt off any body fat.
The lean physique that was the envy of every pool party.

After connecting the dots, it looked like people really just wanted to look and feel young and strong again.

Surely it seems to be that the older we get, the more our body starts to break down and deteriorate, right?? (this is WRONG by the way, and I’ll explain more below…)

I myself realized that I was missing my more athletic, capable body from my younger wrestling days.

I was starting to feel more pain, less energy and being burnt out from old training techniques that simply didn’t work for me anymore. I missed the ability to move as dynamically as I once did, and I wanted to regain that youthful feeling while feeling capable in my own body again.

I knew I had to change the way I approached training for myself and for my clients…

This led me down a path towards learning in-depth about functional strength training. I took countless courses and seminars over the years to learn new techniques and training styles. I dedicated my weekends to discovering how the body functions, how to restore its capabilities and how to unlock even MORE abilities.

I tested many of the things I learned immediately in the gym and started to see MASSIVE improvements for myself and my clients.

I began to realize that your body can start to feel better than it’s ever been, at any age, if you apply the right tools and lifestyle changes to make functional movement and healthy eating a part of your life.

In the process, I crafted a system that helped people be in less pain, build lean muscle mass, torch excess body fat, unleash more strength and become a more functional human being.

This is what this online program is meant to deliver for YOU.

With the FUNCTIONAL AF Program, I’m going to help you take back control of your body. I’m going to help reduce pain in troubled areas. I’m going to show you how to approach your workouts for maximal results. I’m going to make nutrition easy to follow so you can shed the Buddha belly. I’m going to teach you how to be functional again so you can keep doing the things you love outside of the gym. I’m going to set you up for success in the long term.

Ultimately, everything you see in the program are all tools for you to implement and progress into. I promise you that after completing the program to full completion, you will start to look, feel and perform your very best – as long as you put in the full effort!

So, cheers to you AGAIN for taking this next big step in your life. My team and I are here to help guide you every step of the way.



Training Experience & Certificates
5 years training in-person & group clients; Lead Trainer at Revel Fit Club for 2 Years
Training Experience & Certificates
Certificates: Pain Free Performance Specialist (PPSC) with training in Foundational Movement Patterns, Strength, Conditioning, Mobility

Train w/ Tony

Tyffanie Aguayo – Personal Trainer

Personal Trainer – I empower women by equipping them with the essential tools and knowledge to take control of their own fitness journey for years to come. My program focuses on three key aspects: safety, longevity, and metabolic boosting. With these foundations, you will have the necessary tools to navigate your fitness journey independently, whether your goals are weight loss, toning up, building muscle, or enhancing your overall lifestyle.

Safety is of paramount importance in my program. I prioritize creating a safe and supportive environment where you can exercise without the fear of injury. Through proper form, technique, and progression, I ensure that your workouts are effective while minimizing the risk of setbacks.

Longevity is a key principle I emphasize. It’s not just about achieving short-term results; it’s about developing sustainable habits and practices that will serve you well for years to come. My program is designed to help you build a strong foundation of fitness, focusing on functional movements, flexibility, and core strength to enhance your overall physical well-being.

Metabolic boosting is another vital component of my approach. By incorporating exercises and strategies that rev up your metabolism, we work together to optimize your body’s ability to burn calories and maintain a healthy weight. This comprehensive approach ensures that your fitness journey is holistic and impactful.

With these three aspects as the cornerstones of my program, you gain the confidence and knowledge necessary to continue your fitness journey independently. I provide you with the tools and information you need to make informed decisions, adapt to changing circumstances, and achieve lasting results.

No matter your specific goals, whether it’s shedding pounds, sculpting your physique, gaining strength, or improving your overall lifestyle, my program will guide you towards success. I am dedicated to supporting and empowering you every step of the way, offering personalized guidance, motivational support, and accountability to help you stay on track.

Take charge of your fitness journey with the guidance and support I provide. Together, we’ll lay the groundwork for a lifetime of health and well-being. Contact me today to embark on a transformative experience that will empower you to achieve your fitness goals and embrace a healthier, happier lifestyle.